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 Margie Moore

                                  Margie Moore grew up                                        in the seaside town of                                        Belmar, New Jersey. In                                      creating the art for                                              her books, "A Gull's                                              Story," "A Gull's Story,                                         Part 2," and "A Gull's                                            Story, Part 3" (written                                         by Frank Finale)                                                  (Jersey Shore                 Publications), she was able to draw upon her childhood memories of beautiful summer days along the Shore and the interesting creatures she encountered there. In 2001, she illustrated “Count The Ways, Little Brown Bear” by Jonathan London (Dutton Children's Books).

Ms. Moore still lives at the Jersey Shore with her husband and three daughters, Kelly, Jessica, and Bridget. 

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Jersey Shore Magazine Spring 2014

Am image from “A Gull’s Story”

Am image from “A Gull’s Story”

“Z is for ‘ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz’, the sound of sleep that we make after a day of learning and fun at the shore. Sleep well, Baby Gull. Dream of the moon and stars.”

Am image from “A Gull’s Story”

Am image from “A Gull’s Story”

“C is for crabs, who crawl in our bays and ocean. Crabs are good to eat, but watch their claws so you don't get pinched!”

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